


Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) govern your use of The Smart Traveler Road Map Course and website

By visiting or using this Website and/or utilizing these Services, you unconditionally and irrevocably agree to be bound by these Terms, any and all applicable local laws and you agree that you are responsible for this compliance.

If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are hereby prohibited from using or accessing this Website and/or utilizing these Services.

1. Definitions

“Confidential Information” means information provided by one party to the other in written, graphic, recorded, machine readable or other form concerning the business, clients, suppliers, finances and other areas of the other party’s business or products, including, without limitation, the Course Materials, but does not include information in the public domain other than through the default of the party disclosing the information, information required to be disclosed by any court or regulatory authority, or any information already in the possession or control of the disclosing party.

“Course Materials” means the information provided by JayUnaccompanied to accompany a course provided as part of the Services in hard copy or electronic form.

“Fees” means the fees paid by you to JayUnaccompanied for the Services.

“Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, rights in or relating to databases, patent rights, performers’ rights, designs and registered designs, trademarks, rights in or relating to Confidential Information and other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) throughout the world.

“Online Course” means the delivery by us of an online course pursuant to which you learn course materials remotely.

“Services” means the provision of the Online Course and/or the Course Materials together with such other services as agreed from time to time and purchased by you through the Website.

“Website” means

“you” means the individual purchasing the Services. 

2. The Services

2.1. A description of the Services are available on our Website.  We will provide the Services with reasonable care and skill in accordance with the description set out on the Website.

2.2. We reserve the right to vary or withdraw any of the Services described on the Website without notice.

2.3 We expect you to confirm that the Services you are purchasing will meet your needs.  We do not make any guarantee to you that you will obtain a particular result from your purchase and completion of any of the Services. 

Purchasing Services via the Website

In order to purchase any of the Services on-line you must register for an account with us via the Website.  If you already have an account with us you can log into your account using your user name and password.  

3. Liability

Although JayUnaccompanied aims to provide the Services to the highest standards of the industry, it accept any liability for (i) any inaccuracy or misleading information provided in the programmes or Course Materials and any reliance by Client on any such information, (ii) any loss or corruption of data, (iii) any loss of profit, revenue or goodwill, or (iv) any indirect, special or consequential loss arising from any breach of the terms of this Agreement.

4. Intellectual Property

4.1. All Intellectual Property Rights in the Course Materials and Online Courses are, and remain, the intellectual property of JayUnaccompanied or its licensors, whether adapted, written for or customised for the Client or not.

4.2. In consideration of the Fees paid by you, we grant to you a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive licence to use the Course Materials and the software in respect of the Online Course for the sole purpose of completing the Online Course.

4.3. You are not authorised to:-

  • (i) copy, modify, reproduce, re-publish, sub-licence, sell, upload, broadcast, post, transmit or distribute any of the Course Materials without prior written permission;

    (ii) record on video or audio tape, relay by videophone or other means the Online Course or Taught Course given

    (iii) use the Course Materials in the provision of any other course or training whether given by us or any third party;

    (iv) remove any copyright or other notice of JayUnaccompanied on the Course Materials;

    (v) modify, adapt, merge, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer (save to the extent permitted by law) any software forming part of the Online Courses.

    Breach by you of this clause 7.2 shall allow us to immediately terminate these terms and conditions with you and cease to provide you with any Services, including but not limited to access to the Online Courses.

5. Confidentiality

5.1. Each party shall keep the other party’s Confidential Information strictly confidential and not use it otherwise than for the purposes of these terms and conditions, and shall return it on demand and not retain copies of it.

5.2. Either party may disclose Confidential Information to its legal and other advisors for the purposes of obtaining advice from them.

5.3. This clause shall continue notwithstanding termination of these terms and conditions.

6. Termination

We shall be entitled to terminate these terms and conditions and cease to provide you with any Services with immediate effect in the event that you:

  1. fail to pay when due your Fees;
  2. are in breach of these terms and conditions.

7. Usage

During the term of your use of the Website and Services, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to access the Website and use the Services via the Internet. 

8. Links

8.1. Our Website may display, or contain links to, third party products, services, and websites. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information that constitutes part of the content expressed, authored, or made available by other users or other third parties, or which is accessible through or may be located using the Website or our Services (collectively, “Third Party Content”) are those of the respective authors or producers and not of us or our representatives.

8.2. JayUnaccompanied may have financial relationship with certain affiliated third parties, sponsors, advertisers linked in our products and services (“Affiliates”). If you opt to purchase any product or service linked by JayUnaccompanied, JayUnaccompanied may receive an affiliate fee from your purchase with such Affiliate.

8.3. JayUnaccompanied has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by JayUnaccompanied of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.

9. Disclaimer

9.1. You understand that your use of the Website, Services, its Contents, or Materials obtained through the Website are provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis, without ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 

9.2. Users agree that using the Company's Services and Website is done at your own rick and acknowledge that these services are for informational and educational purposes ONLY. You assume ALL risks. Further, JayUnaccompanied does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its Website or otherwise relating to such Materials or on any sites linked to this Website.

10. Governing Law

Any claim relating to JayUnaccompanied's Terms, Website or Services shall be governed by the laws of JayUnaccompanied's home jurisdiction without regard to its conflict of law provisions, and you hereby expressly agree to present any claim in relation to these Terms, Website, or Services only through binding arbitration to occur in said state.

11. Refund Policy

11.1. There are no refunds for coaching or consulting Services under any circumstance, given the nature of these products. The user acknowledges that when they purchase these products, they are making a final decision and understand that they do not have the right to refunds under any circumstance.

11.2. Please note that participation in any Service does not guarantee any specific outcomes or results. While we will do our best to provide guidance and support, we do not guarantee any specific outcomes or results. The success of the Service ultimately depends on your own effort, commitment, and abilities. Therefore, we cannot guarantee any specific results, and any examples or testimonials provided should not be taken as a promise or guarantee of success.